Thursday, February 25, 2010

Someones gotta go...

24 finalists who weren't so spectacular this week all came together to sing Estelle's 2008 hit American Boy and it wasn't so spectacular. Time to get rid of four of them....

Siobhan, Haeley, Michelle, Katelyn and Katie were all safe and Janell was the first to learn she is going home. She sang What About Love one last time.

The top girl on Miss American Idol Season 8 was 3rd runner up Alison Iraheta. She's released her first album to some great reviews but it has gotten ZERO radio or video airplay. Tonight she had her big chance to get some exposure to a huge audience, but the song she did, Scars, wasn't the best track on the album. She looked great and sounded pretty good, it's just the material that could have been better.

Paige, Lacey, Lilly, Crystal, and Didi were all safe and Ashley had to get the unhappy news that she has reached the end of the road. She then had to get through singing Happy once more.

Michael, John, Aaron, Todrick, and Tim were all safe and Joe had to get the surprise that he's done in this competition. But then he sang his drab version of You and I and it didn't seem so surprising anymore that he's leaving.

Idol gives back is returning this year on April 21st. The Season 8 Miss American Idol winner, Kris Allen, is here tonight to sing a song whose sales will all go toward benefiting earthquake relief efforts in Haiti. It was #1 for 2 weeks in 1970 for the Beatles and I'm sure the hope is that this very weak version by Kris will have some similar impact, but even if it is a charity single, I don't ever want to hear it again. He really should have taken advantage of this chance to promote his single Live Like You're Dying that has just reached a new peak position of #19 on the Billboard HOT 100 this week.

Casey, Jermaine, Lee, Andrew, and Alex were all safe and Tyler got kicked all the way back to the 70's because he isn't coming back here next week. He served us one last helping of American Woman before truckin out of here.

I only got one of my predictions correct by knowing that Janell would be going. It's amazing that people voted to keep Tim and Alex in the competition. These boys have to get a lot better to curb my suffering. I may just have to give in and watch them with the volume down. That must be what everyone else is doing.

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