Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Results - #1 Hits

It was a very special moment in the group opening number getting the chance to see the genuine Crystal Bowersox truly be herself singing the smash that WHAM! took to #1 for three weeks in 1984, Wake Me Up Before You Go Go. There she was dumping all of that fake guitar playing rock chick garbage and really expressing herself as the true jitter bugging girly girl that she is.

Siobhan, Casey and Lee are all safe, but both Tim and Paige had to take the first two seats in the bottom three.

Miley Cyrus is not a good singer. She strained her way through her latest single, When I Look At You, and it was pure torture on the ears. A piano driven power ballad is not the best type of song for her limited abilities. In addition to her lack of vocal talent, she wasn't the best mentor for the finalists especially because she's never experienced her own #1 hit on the Billboard HOT 100 so she didn't fit into the theme. She's hit the top 10 on the chart three times with See You Again peaking at #10, The Climb which hit #4 and Party In The USA that did manage to get all the way up to #2.

Aaron, Didi, Michael, and Crystal are all safe and somehow, shockingly, Andrew is also safe. That means that Katie had to join Tim and Paige in the bottom three, but she wasn't there for long as she was immediately informed that she was safe.

A couple more Disney Channel favorites, Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato, got up on stage and showcased their pretty faces and lack of vocal talents. But they were still better than Miley...

The person who is the lowest vote getter of the week is Paige Miles so Tim was sent back to safety. The judges had no interest in using the SAVE for her so she just sang for the last time knowing there was no hope.

This week I correctly predicted two out of three and was right that Paige would be the one going home. I have to question now, who is voting for Andrew? It's gonna be sad to see what a mess he makes next week.

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