Sunday, December 29, 2013

Artists of the Year - Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

Macklemore and Ryan Lewis

There's no denying that the hip hop act of the year, with no competition is Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. Their album, The Heist, as a huge seller with the lead off track, Thrift Store, becoming the #1 single for all of 2013 according to Billboard. Thrift Store is a silly novelty hit that could have branded these guys as a frivolous one hit wonder act, but there was much more to come.

They followed up Thrift Store with a song called Can't Hold Us which is, once again, with no competition, the high energy dance floor party anthem of the year.

And then they released a single that showed that these guys are actually silly novelty, dance party hip hop artists with a point of view. Their song Same Love very openly and specifically celebrates their support for marriage equality. It doesn't matter that the song isn't as fun as Thrift Store or as amazing as Can't Hold Us. What matters is that with Same Love these guys are speaking openly and honestly to the hip hop audience that same sex marriage is nothing to be afraid of and that it certainly should not be made fun of.

Being bold and outspoken has not hurt their career at all. They are one of the top sellers of the year and they are multiple nominees at the Grammy Awards.

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