Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Top 10 Girls take their first shot

The Top 10 Girls can sing any song of their choice to try and win your votes:

Zoanette Johnson went first with an attempt at Tina Turner's #1 hit from 1984 What's Love Got To Do With It. The expectations were high as the judges gushed about her, but she failed miserably. Zoanette could hardly remember the lyrics and she looked like a complete mess.

Breanna Steer stood center stage and let her vocal range be the focus. She looked very classy and poised performing Beyonce's 2007 R and B slow jam Flaws and All. It was tender, emotional and presented Breanna as a star of the future.

Aubrey Cleland chose to sing Big Girls Don't Cry that Fergie took to #1 in 2007. She is a strikingly beautiful young woman who is completely ready for starring in videos. Vocally it is evident that her range has its limitations, but this song did not challenge her too much.

Janelle Arthur is the definition of a classic country girl. She is sweet, genuine and lovely and with her vocals tonight she saved it all for the end. She belted out a superbly pure final note that was thoroughly impressive.

Tenna Torres served up a cover of a Faith Hill song twisting it up with a soulful and impeccable vocal. She clearly has a the range to hit the highs and the lows and everything in between. And along with all of this, Tenna is just a very nice girl as well.

Angie Miller sat at the piano, sang an outstanding vocal and thoroughly brought the house down. She carries herself like a seasoned professional who is quite simply a true artist. She performed a brand new song that can be found on the debut album from Season 11 Miss American Idol finalist Colton Dixon. He needs to thank her for helping to raise the profile of his album. I see a spike in sales after this.

Amber Holcomb took on the 1996 hit from Whitney Houston and the Preacher's Wife soundtrack, I Believe In You And Me. She could definitely rise to the challenge and pull it off and make it look effortless. Great job.

Kree Harrison struggled and strained vocally to hit the notes. She sounded weak and forced as she tried to sing the song. The judges seemed to like her, but I just didn't see it. She seems to totally lack stage presence, personality or any style whatsoever.

Adriana Latonio did her best to provide a showstopper, but her youth and inexperience didn't quite allow her to measure up. She has a very nice voice and a sweet personality, but that's not enough to carry her through.

Candice Glover added some passion and energy to John Legend's Ordinary People. It was an outstanding interpretation of a great song that she was able to make even better.

There was some great talent to be found in the top 10 girls tonight but only 5 can make it through. Here's my prediction: Aubrey Cleland, Janelle Arthur, Angie Miller, Amber Holcomb and Candice Glover.

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